Where to Next?!

     Thank you all for your prayers for our health. Brandon's fever is now gone and he is slowly recovering! He was able to sleep through the night and avoid the hospital which is a huge blessing! Hopefully we can both avoid sickness for awhile! 

    We have had some plans developing over the last few weeks about our future destinations regarding when we need to move on and where to move on too. Unfortunately, DT and family have been delayed in getting to Thailand by several months. While it was a very hard decision to make, after praying and seeking direction we feel it is time to move on to our next destination. We really wanted to be able to do ministry with DT and family, but we  have to trust in the Lords timing even when it does not make sense to us. We have made the decision to go ahead to Vietnam, but who knows, maybe God will steer us back to Chiang Mai in the future! We are still hoping our time might overlap with DT, but we won't know that for a couple of weeks. We also have received what we believe to be our last covid extension which will last us until October 22nd which will be our last day in Thailand. Closing our time out in Thailand will also relieve us of the stress of trying to get a tourist visa in Hanoi to be able to come back to Chiang Mai. With the amount of visa troubles we have had here I can only imagine how that might go! 

    We have around 3-4 weeks left here in Chiang Mai where we will continue ministry at the school and then we will be going to Bangkok! We will finish our time out in Thailand there and then fly to Vietnam around the end of October. We will do another blog soon about the opportunities we have in Vietnam! I am actually not sure how much we will be able to share right away as it is illegal to share publicly and we do not want to draw any attention to them in any way. We are super excited about this next step!

We love you guys! Talk to you soon. 

Brandon and Mallory 


  1. Praying for you as you prepare for the next step in your journey. I’m glad you are both feeling better! Steve Parr

    1. Thank you so much! Congrats on the retirement announcement!


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