August Update

                Hello Everyone ,

    I hope this letter reaches you well. While our regularly scheduled monsoon hit this afternoon, I figured it a great time to give you all an update. Mallory and I are doing great here in Chiangmai. It has started to feel like our second home, as we have gotten a good feel on the best little markets to eat at, and where to find the best produce in the mornings. We have even joined a small Pickleball club, and are hoping to grow some relationships with both foreigners(Farang) and Thai's. We are still attending the same church connected to the school, and we have grown some great relationships there. The church is still very young and there is a need for growth, leadership, and discipleship. All that being said, there is no lack of love and commitment to the Lord! 
    We have made a small shift in our roles at the school, from full time teaching to subbing and helping with activities. We were both happy and sad with this transition, as we have grown to love the children and made some real connections, but man was it hard to teach students who don't speak English! Because of this transition we have more time to focus on surrounding ministries, and preparing for the arrival of DT and family. Out hopes were to get a small youth group presence started at the church, that would be easily accessible for the students. Due to some changes and caution of cultural differences (taking their lead) this has not begun yet. We pray that with continued conversation and prayer there will be growth in the future. Some of our attention is now being shifted to a near by village called Ban Bong. We are not quit sure what our role there will be yet but we are excited to see what the Lord has in store. Along with that as DT hopefully nears arrival, we will begin to do some investigating for a small building for a church.
     On another note we need to update you on our visa. If the process has seemed unclear and confusing to you, we to have the same feelings. We are still unclear what direction we will take regarding our visa, but worry not we are legal and safe. We will be making that decision in the next few weeks. Part of this will be deciding when we will be traveling to Vietnam. We foresee a lot of change in the near future! We will keep you updated. Thank you always for your prayers and support. 



  1. Praying for you both.

  2. Praying for both of you.

  3. Prayers for your continued endeavors! The Chandlers

  4. Always remembering you in prayer. God bless


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