
Showing posts from September, 2022

A Hard Goodbye

 These last couple of days have been full of last minute tasks and sad goodbyes. We went to church at Promise Church for the last time this morning. It was the last time we would see our friends and fellow teachers. I don't think it really hit me until this morning that we would be leaving these wonderful people and new friends...    We are so thankful to have been apart of this school and church. Everyone who is involved, whether pastors/leadership, students, cleaning  ladies, cooks, and teachers welcomed us in and treated us like family. They have such a passion for helping others and sharing the love of Jesus and we are so blessed to be able to know them and have served along side them. We will miss them greatly!      We have experienced and  learned many things in Thailand. We learned that teaching is hard, especially when the students do not speak the same language! We learned that even though we do not speak the same language we ca...

Science Day

       This year the school put on their very first Science Day! The Thai teachers planned out all the activities for each station and what the day would look like. We sat in on the information meeting and had no idea what was being said because apparently the meeting was only for the Thai teachers, whoops. So after they showed pictures and discussed between themselves the plan we heard our names. We were given a station...and not just any station... the slime making station! One of my favorite parts about being a foreigner is trying to understand what they are saying to us and vice versa. It makes everything so light hearted and funny. For example as they are trying to explain how to make the slime it took way longer than it should have, there was a lot of laughter, and it ended with Brandon and I acting like we understood when, in fact, we did not. We felt like we got the gist of it and hyped each other up for a super successful day of slime making!    ...

Movin' on Out!

As most of you know we are changing directions here soon to go to Vietnam! We had a few things we had to check off before that would be a possibility. One of them was finding someone to live in our house. We had been praying for God to provide someone to take our lease and our land lady told us she had someone who was interested in seeing the house. Of course he had to come by the day we were super sick and he had about a million questions. Im am thinking to myself "please hurry up before I puke all over you sir." Fortunately I was able to answer all his questions( without puking) and he decided to take over the contract! Such an answer to prayer.  Unfortunately, we cannot seem to get better. I am still having allergy symptoms and very itchy hands and feet. Sunday night Brandon woke up out of his sleep with not just one, but both of his knees hurting which was obviously concerning. We have decided to stay in Chiang Mai for the next couple of days to have him rest his knees an...

The Never Ending Sickness

 Unfortunately, our time avoiding the doctor was short lived. After Brandon started feeling better last week I suddenly had some sort of allergy attack. I have never had allergies in my life and it is still unclear what exactly my body was reacting too. Out of nowhere I had congestion, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, BUT the worst part is the itchy/burning feeling I have in my hands and feet. I held out for as long as possible but decided we needed to go back to the doctor. They gave me a steroid shot and steroid pills (along with all the allergy meds I was already taking) and sent me on my way. My symptoms seem to be letting up except the itching/burning in my hands and feet so if anyone has any tips on that I would greatly appreciate it! During my allergy fiasco Brandon's knee decided to act up. This happens every year or so due to previous injuries so we knew the treatment he needed, but actually explaining it to the Thai people is the hard part! It is twice as hard to do thi...

Where to Next?!

      Thank you all for your prayers for our health. Brandon's fever is now gone and he is slowly recovering! He was able to sleep through the night and avoid the hospital which is a huge blessing! Hopefully we can both avoid sickness for awhile!      We have had some plans developing over the last few weeks about our  future destinations regarding when we need to move on and where to move on too. Unfortunately, DT and family have been delayed in getting to Thailand by several months. While it was a very hard decision to make, after praying and seeking direction we feel it is time to move on to our next destination. We really wanted to be able to do ministry with DT and family, but we  have to trust in the Lords timing even when it does not make sense to us. We have made the decision to go ahead to Vietnam, but who knows, maybe God will steer us back to Chiang Mai in the future! We are still hoping our time might overlap with DT, but we ...