Farewell Indonesia

    The Lord put many people into our path and we were able to have several great conversations in Indonesia. First we had Putu and his family who were Balinese Hindu, then we met a couple from Scotland who were atheist. A couple days later we met a couple from Ireland and lastly two older gentleman from Holland who grew up "non- religious" and Catholic. We were able to ask them good questions and steer the conversations to the gospel! We had really good discussions and it really made us excited to keep building relationships with people especially since we will be in Thailand for a long period of time! Hopefully we will be able to meet back up with Peter Paul and Marco (Holland) as they will be in Chiang Mai in September! 

    Our last gospel conversation was with our Grab driver. What started as casual conversation with our driver slowly turned into a much deeper apologetic one. He asked were we were going and we explained that we were volunteering to teach English at a Christian school. He then said that we would have good karma because we like to help others. This led to us explaining that we serve others because that is what God commands us to do. Once he heard this he started asking us about church and our beliefs, we shared about Jesus! He listened and then began to tell us about what he believed being Hindu. This continued on for the remainder of the ride until we finally arrived at the airport and we had to bid our new friend goodbye. 

    We will continue to pray for God to open the hearts of those that cross our paths that do not yet know Him. We are so thankful for the conversations and people He drew us to and are so excited to meet and share with more! 

With love, 
    Brandon and Mallory 


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