We Made It!

    Holy moly what a journey! We have safely arrived in Indonesia! We are so thankful for all the prayers for our safe travels, the Lord definitely paved the way for us. 

    Preparing for this journey has been quite the challenge to keep up with the regulations and travel restrictions. We were pretty confident that we had all of the correct documents, but at the same time totally unsure. When we stepped up to the departure counter in ATL we ran into our first problem. The airline we chose weighed the carry on bags which we did not know, so we had to check an extra bag and pray that all 3 arrived in Indonesia. Then we stood there waiting for her to review all of our documents one after another which felt like the longest 5 minutes of my life. My parents and I were each praying while Brandon gave her each of our documents, and sure enough we checked all the boxes and were able to board our first plane! 

    We then said goodbye to my parents which was a very hard goodbye. Thank goodness for WhatsApp. We had no issues going through security praise the Lord! 

    We had a great flight to Turkey where we had a layover until 2am and then we were able to board our flight to Indonesia! We had to present our documents again to get on board, but again the Lord paved the way and they were all accepted!

    Once we arrived in Indonesia we were praying hard that we would again check all the boxes. We downloaded the Indonesian app as instructed only for it to say that we are unvaccinated and that we could not check in or enter the area.... as you can imagine this was not what we were expecting because we are in fact vaccinated. 

    We entered anyway and made our way up to the desk to present our documents once again.  Just like before I  prayed that God would open the doors for us, but if not we know He is in control and He will continue to be with us for whatever was in store for us next. She looked over everything as I am praying and sure enough she approved our covid vaccination cards and we were off to obtain the visa. We went up to the desk with no problems and each received a visa. We then went through customs....no problems! Next we needed to find transportation to our hotel. We were told previously that there would be a shuttle, but this in fact was not the case. We were able to get a driver and made our way to our hotel where we were welcomed with friendly faces, a nice bed, and a warm shower! 

    The only thing missing was some food which we were not able to get until this morning. I had been living off of rolls for two days straight so needless to say they probably regret letting me into the buffet. 

Thank you all for your prayers the felt the Lords presence around us from beginning to end. Please continue to pray for our Thai visa. I got some bad news that the school was not able to obtain one of our papers because of a Thai holiday and had to push it back until Monday. I should be able to apply once I get this paper! Please pray that it is not delayed again, we have until May 4th for it to be approved! 

We love you guys and will talk to you again soon!

In Christ, 



  1. Hi Brandon and Mallory! Thank God you both made it safely. We'll be in continued prayer for you on your journey. May God bless and keep you. Looking forward to hearing what God reveals as he walk you through.

    Deidre Purnell

  2. Glad to hear God is paving the way for you! Praying for both of you every day!

  3. So thankful that you have arrived safely. Praying for the Lord to work in you, through you, and around you.
    Chris Howell


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