First Stop, Indonesia!
I want to give y'all a little more information on why we picked Indonesia as our first stop seeing as it was not a part of our original plans. As some of you know we were supposed to start our trip in Japan, but because of COVID restrictions that was not an option as of now (hopefully we can go in August). Because of this, we were praying about what to do and where God wanted us to go first. One of the hardest parts of planning the trip is the COVID restrictions. The restrictions seem to be constantly changing and now that our first stop was not an option we were looking for places that were accepting visas on arrival to be able to get our feet on the ground SOMEWHERE. We were fearful to take that first step, but of course God dropped a perfect opportunity in our lap all in His timing. We heard from a new mission opportunity in Chiang Mai who needed help with volunteer teachers for a Christian school that he and his wife help start in ...